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The Student News Site of Buckingham Browne & Nichols School

The Vanguard

The Student News Site of Buckingham Browne & Nichols School

The Vanguard

The Student News Site of Buckingham Browne & Nichols School

The Vanguard

Living the dream

Living the dream

Laura Cox, Guest Columnist December 7, 2021

When people ask me what I did Friday night, I always resist the urge to tell them what I was actually doing and shrug it off with a, “Nothing.” Because while some students are binging Netflix or sleeping...

Photo Collage: Guess the Teacher

Photo Collage: Guess the Teacher

Saffron Patel and Emmy Lev December 7, 2021

  TOP: US Math and Computer Science Teachers Christine Oulton and Mark Fidler; MIDDLE: US Science Teachers Jenn Gatti and Mike Willey and US History and Social Sciences Teacher Matt Turnbull;...

Season Recap: Boys' Varsity Soccer

Season Recap: Boys’ Varsity Soccer

Sophia Stafford, Contributing Writer December 7, 2021

Boys Varsity Soccer (BVS) persevered through preseason ties and midseason losses to end their season with an achievement the team hasn’t attained in over a decade: qualifying for the New England Preparatory...

Season Recap: Cross Country

Season Recap: Cross Country

Aparajita Srivastava, Contributing Writer December 7, 2021

“Runners, set! Go!” Head Cross Country (XC) Coach Charlie O’Rourke yells. The gun goes off and the cross-country team begins their end-of-season mile, racing along the Charles River. This caps off...

Season Recap: Varsity Football

Season Recap: Varsity Football

Hannah Bernstein, Contributing Writer December 6, 2021

Varsity Football (VFB) lives by three core principles, according to Head VFB Coach Mike Willey: accountability, hard work, and mental and physical toughness. VFB carried these goals through their 2021...

Confidence and voices soar at in-person Cabaret

Confidence and voices soar at in-person Cabaret

Lucy Forman, Contributing Writer December 6, 2021

Small whispers escape from excited lips. The room is thick with attentiveness and anticipation as the dimmed lights set on a traditional stage for this year’s cabaret night singers and Nejma Reza ’23...

Flying toward dreams comes with cost

Flying toward dreams comes with cost

Jacqui Haining, Staff Columnist December 6, 2021

Like any other creatively-inclined young adult, I have a favorite poem. Short and to the point, it bridges the mentality of the ancient world to the nineteenth century to the current and the life experience...

Readers Respond: Stories spread seasonal spirit

Readers Respond: Stories spread seasonal spirit

Ford Legg, Editor-in-Chief December 6, 2021

As break approaches, so do everyone’s unique winter traditions, vital to a congenial new year. To get a window into what makes our community’s winter breaks meaningful, The Vanguard asked several...

All I want for Christmas is m(u)sic

All I want for Christmas is m(u)sic

Carson Eckert, Staff Columnist December 6, 2021

Happy Holidays, Knights! It’s finally that time of year—and my favorite part of the year for one reason alone: Christmas music. I know not everyone reading this celebrates Christmas, but everyone can...

TV transcends time

TV transcends time

Dunia Sarkis, Staff Columnist December 6, 2021

Let’s take a trip. “Where are we going?” you may wonder. But you’d be asking the wrong question. Not where, my friend, but when. First, I bring you to the early 1960s. New York City. The smell...

S&R efficacy faces scrutiny in survey

S&R efficacy faces scrutiny in survey

David Min, Projects Editor December 6, 2021

During sophomore year, all take Sexuality and Relationships (S&R), a program that seeks to educate students on safe sex and healthy relationships. The course runs each trimester with several class...

Social media enters S&R scene

Social media enters S&R scene

Madera Longstreet-Lipson, Managing Editor December 6, 2021

“Most of social media is a false narrative.” “[Social media] gives me more knowledge of [sex and relationships] and I also get to see more of others’ relationships.” “I don’t really...

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