While some choose to hit the gym or eat healthy to make “gains,” members of the Girls Advancing in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Club (GAINS) find themselves learning...
In the Upper School (US) Athletic Department, students have been able to serve as managers, timekeepers, and even data analysts. Two new roles made their debut at this year’s Homecoming Varsity...
Upper School Science Teacher Mike Willey has been coaching football at the school since 2008 and became head coach in 2013. This year, his role has a new name: The Kulkarni- Kewalramani Family...
Knight of Lights, the school’s annual Diwali celebration, hosted by the South Asian Parent Association (SAPA), garnered record- high attendance this year. On Friday, Oct. 25, over 180 members...
Whether watching the sunrise from the mountains of Minca at 4 a.m. or listening to music on the beach in Palomino at 9:30 at night, members of the Upper School’s (US) Round Square club immersed...
Jordan Price, Contributing Writer
• September 16, 2024
Some Upper School (US) students might choose to spend an all-nighter binge watching their favorite TV shows, eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, and listening to their favorite songs...
Waving a rainbow banner through the streets of Boston, 25 students and faculty gazed out at the energetic crowd around them, full of people decked out in vibrant clothing and carrying mini multi-colored...
Busking on Newbury Street, selling art, and sending emails to family are just some of the ways Upper School students raised thousands of dollars for cancer this summer as part of the Pan- Mass...
Ayana Karthik, Off-Campus Editor
• September 2, 2024
How do Upper School (US) students engage in service? Until two years ago, the school had a 40-hour service requirement for all students. This has been replaced with service built into the school...
It was brutal! The late, great Tina Turner was our downfall,”
Upper School (US) Quiz Bowl Team Coach and Math Teacher Chip Rollinson said about the 2024 High School Quiz Show finals. The returning...
As upperclassmen enjoy junior and senior prom, two highly anticipated traditions that mark important moments in the high school journey, underclassmen have patiently awaited their turn. But this...