Season Recap: Golf

Elliot Johnson, Staff Writer

The golf team had a very successful and satisfying season this spring facilitated by a team trip to Florida in March, Ana Chrysa Maravelias ’24 said.

“The meals we had as a team and all the in-between time were a great time for us to get to know each other as we went from a team to a group of friends,” Ana Chrysa said.

Another tradition was ordering pizzas before a home match, and, when the team won, taking out ice cream from Rancatore’s in Belmont.

“It is the team members that really make it fun to go to practice. If you have a packed week, going to golf practice is a time to relax and detach from everything else,” Ana Chrysa said.

The team, which played at the Belmont Country Club, finished 5-6-2. Despite only having practices twice a week, the sport was still fun for its team members, player David Driscoll ’24 said. He said he has been playing golf for most of his life, but this was his first season playing competitively.

“The vibe of the team is relaxed; the team does a good job of balancing play and work,” he said. “Coach Shane Bourque was welcoming even though I had never played on the varsity team before. He built a great atmosphere,” David said.

David said some of his favorite memories on the team were when the matches were tight.

“Some of the matches I’ve played have come down to a few putts,” he said. “It’s the pressure of the moment that I’ve really enjoyed.”

Captain Jack Kerrigan ’22 said what makes the golf team so fun is not winning, but escaping from the stress of the school to spend time with their friends.

“We would play fun games on the courses. We always found a way to get better at golf while still enjoying the sport,” Jack said. “The bonds the team formed made the team dynamic different to any other team I had been on before.”