This spring break, 76 Upper School (US) students embarked on five different school-sponsored trips that spanned three continents, eight countries, and a variety of cultures. The trips marked the first...
Head of School Jennifer Price is on the board of directors at FitMoney, a nonprofit organization that aims to educate students from K-12 in finances through an online curriculum and game-based learning....
How much does the school prepare its students for personal finances? The Vanguard interviewed several alumni/ae from the class of 2021 on their experience gaining financial literacy at the school and whether...
The current inflation crisis necessitated a $2.7 million increase in the budget for the 2022-23 school year which a 4.5% increase in tuition helped provide, according to a February email Head of School...
On May 2, POLITICO magazine released a 98-page leaked first draft of the Supreme Court’s opinion which would overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey. The draft, written...
In December 2004, Upper School (US) Theater Director Ross MacDonald, serving as a rifleman for the 12th Mechanized Brigade of the British Army, was dispatched to Helmand, Afghanistan. Over a deployment...
Cat Buchatskiy ’19 will never forget February 24. The day Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine, the international security student raised in Kyiv left Stanford for the Ukraine-Poland...