When I began writing this column, I saw it as a fun way of sharing unserious stories with the school community. The lessons embedded in these stories seemed similarly casual—a way of giving more depth to these stories. Yet, as I wrote each column, I started to fully understand the importance of even the smallest reflection. Every month, I had an opportunity to look back on a moment that seemed rather insignificant at the time. I never realized the lessons these events taught me, but reflecting has helped me see the value in small moments.
Now, I’m leaving high school as a different person than who I was when I entered. I haven’t experienced a massive, life-changing event, so pinpointing what exactly has caused me to change these last few years would be nearly impossible. But a few main lessons stand out:
I’ve learned to treasure each moment by staying as much in the present as possible. This fall, with college applications looming, I chose not to let my worries about the future dictate my present, instead making a concerted effort to spend as much time with my friends and family as possible. I understood that my time living at home was limited, and I decided to make the most of it.
I have also noticed the small joys and wins. Recently, while watching the Super Bowl, surrounded by my friends, I took a moment to appreciate how lucky I am to have so many wonderful people in my life.
Most of all, I’ve learned not to take the people I experience these small moments with for granted. On my 18th birthday, as a celebration of 18 years as best friends, my sister and I got matching tattoos. This small act memorialized our importance to one another, leaving us with a permanent reminder to constantly invest in our relationship.
Over the last year, I’ve learned to treat every experience with intentionality. As I approach each day, I now know that growth tends not to be immediate or obvious. Instead, it builds slowly through each relationship, conversation, and challenge. Writing this column has given me a unique opportunity to reflect on those moments. When brainstorming ideas for the next issue, I often landed on a story I might have forgotten otherwise. Each month, I uncovered new insights about myself and how I want to live my life. Although I will (hopefully) never have to dispose of another mouse and the next time I climb a mountain, I plan to reach the summit, these moments still taught me how to best approach future, seemingly-unrelated situations.
Moving forward, I won’t wait around for some cataclysmic event to change how I act because, in the long run, each choice I make affects how I move forward. I understand now that the person I am becoming is shaped not by any big moment but instead by the small ones in between.
I encourage you, my readers, to do the same. Although I won’t have a designated reason to reflect on my life anymore, I hope to continue looking back on each day and considering what I can take away. I feel proud of the growth I’ve achieved already, and I’m excited for the lessons I have yet to learn.