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Don’t let a broken door break school tradition

    With only two weeks left to cross out on the calendar before Senior Spring Project (SSP) and most, if not all, college applications deadlines, there is little keeping seniors focused and engaged in their full days of classes and tests, except for the chaotic and competitive beacon of hope that is senior stealth tag. 

    This tradition, formerly known as senior assassin, is run by the senior class president and student council. Every student is given a “target,” one of their classmates whom they must tag with a sticker. At the same time, another one of their peers attempts to tag them. A collage of seniors’ baby photos decorates a wall in the Commons. Each photo is moved to a different wall, one by one, as each senior is tagged by one of their classmates. There are a few governing rules dictating where and when one can be tagged, but generally, it is one big game that serves as a helpful distraction for those fighting senioritis and dwindling motivation. 

    Despite the tradition’s history, recent events have threatened the continuation of senior stealth tag, including, but not limited to, the shattering of a door in a moment of excitement and attempted escape from a tagger. The game was temporarily paused, and although it was resumed, many are still wondering if it will be allowed for future groups of seniors. While safety is a valid concern and should not be compromised, the school should not ban this tradition. 

    Not to belabor the same arguments, but a recurring dilemma at our school is the apparent lack of school spirit. We are a day school, many of whose students have a lengthy commute that makes it difficult to stay on campus long after required events. Therefore, we must take advantage of the traditions we do have and hold on tight to them.

    If we take away the senior stealth tag and add it to the growing list of traditions tossed away in fear, what will become of our school spirit? Seniors, the student leaders of our school, have the largest impact on our community and act as tone-setters for the rest of us. Banning their last tradition before they leave for SSP is no way to send them off .

    Advancement Office, do you want the last few weeks of your future donors’ high school experience to be filled with busy work and lackluster discussions, or do you want them to have an engaging and joyful experience to remember when they receive emails about giving back to the school?

    Stealth tag may be a tradition that involves mainly seniors—except for the underclassmen used as look-outs for senior friends—but it is representative of a larger need in our community. At a school where everyone has come to understand what academic “rigor” means, creating sources of joy is crucial. We, as a student body, must find more ways to have fun during our school days. The last thing we need is for one such source to be taken away.

    While it is ultimately up to the administration, we must not forget our responsibilities. If the tradition is allowed to continue, it is up to us to balance competition with safety to ensure that everyone can remain safe while having fun. A senior-year tradition cannot injure teachers or inspire fear among those walking in the hallways. If future seniors are allowed to participate in this long-standing tradition, as we believe they should be, some responsibility lies on the shoulders of all involved. Enjoy your last weeks of school without compromising others’ safety, and don’t ruin the tradition for the classes that follow. We are capable of this–give us a chance to prove it.


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